Ephesians 2:8-9


9:00 a.m. SUNDAYS


Live on Facebook click on icon this page
We also are live on You Tube
Annual Meeting February 2nd Following Service
Annual Reports Available in conference room, website on the news page.
St. Paul’s is a church where we love to study the Word of God. We believe that God’s will, plan and purpose are revealed in His Word.
Bible Study – WED 10:45 AM
Adult Education – MON 7:00 PM (Zoom Only)
Zoom meetings call office to request invite




This is Christ’s Church. There is

a place for you here. We are a

church that shares a living

Christ, confident in God’s freely

given grace. Liberated by faith,

we embrace everyone as

equals, complexities and all.

Join us as we do God’s work,

through the guidance of the

Holy Spirit, for the life of the

world in Christ’s name.




New Winter Weather Policy

With the advancement of technology and our use of streaming we will not be canceling our services due to inclement weather. We will close our building.

Our Building will be closed after it has been determined:

  1. The National Weather Service has issued Winter Weather Warning.
  2. Walker, Hackensack, Akeley Schools are closed.
  3. State Patrol advises no travel.
  4. Pastor and the President will determine the need to close the building.

The congregation will be notified by:

  1. Our answering machine will have a message.
  2. A message will be placed on the Website/Facebook
  3. A mass-email will be sent.

Approved 2022




If you attend St. Paul’s and there is no spiritual growth in your life, then we did something wrong. That is why it is very important to us that you take away real life application not just spiritually, but for your family, finances and all areas of your life. God is our source of joy, and our deliverer.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s Work. Our Hands.

Each person is created in God’s image. We respect this God-given right to dignity and, inspired by the life of Jesus, show love and compassion for all people. As servants of God, we uphold and seek to protect the dignity and human rights of all people. (click icon on left to visit the ELCA web site)